- Learning Object Repositories (Julià Minguillón, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona)
- Open access institutional repositories in Spain (Ernest Abadal, UPF )
- Online resources and repositories - experiences from Andalusia (Juan Rafael Fernández)
- Creative Commons and education (Ignasi Labastida, Creative Commons )
- ASPECT - initial results on implementation of standards (Àgueda Gras-Velásquez, EUN)
- Building the MoLeNET community and sharing mobile learning resources (Jill Attewell, Learning and Skills Network)
- Open content, Wikiwijs and Innovation platform (Linda le Grand, VO-raad, Netherlands)
- KlasCement - update and status (Hans De Four, KlasCement )
- OLnet (Tina Wilson, Open University/OLnet)
- ATiT - an introduction (Sally Reinolds/Mathy Vanbuel, ATiT )
- Update from Becta (Andrew Kitchen and Alex Kidd, Becta)
- Update from Intrallect - recent work (Charles Duncan, Intrallect)
- Latest news from Share.TEC (Stefania Bocconi, Share.TEC)
- Inspire - aiming at promoting the use of digital learning resources in MST education (Agueda Gras-Velazquez, EUN)
- Scientix - community for science education in Europe (Àgueda Gras-Velásquez, EUN)
- Update from Skolverket (Christina Szekely, Skolverket)
- Dela! - an online teacher community
- Update from the Portuguese School Portal (José Moura Carvalho, DGIDC)
- Junior Virtual Assembly - a new Portuguese project (Rui Falcao, EduLearn)
- IKT Senteret, the new national centre in Norway (Elisabeth Bækken, IKT Senteret)
- Update from the Netherlands: SLO and Kennisnet (Wim de Boer, SLO and Henk Nijstad, Kennisnet)
- Model and method for evaluation of eQNet travel well quality learning resources (Eugenius Kurilova, ITC)